💜JOIN💜US💜 for an epic www.bhassexplore.com Green Sock Movement 💚 #greensockmovement epic full days Extreme Coastal Clearance Environmental Adventure beneath the cliffs of Beachy Head and the Seven Sisters... its an early start on Sunday 23rd July to make the most of the access the low tide will give us walking from Birling Gap to Beachy Head clearing up as much plastic trash and marine debris and other junk from this incredible coastline including sea caves, coves, shingle banks and beaches, the exposed seabed and the chalk boulders that all combined to make up the rugged beauty of this world famous coastscape! We will be down there all day and will be cut off by the tide for six hours before we can begin our walk back to Birling Gap or onwards to Falling Sands and Cow Gap after 5.oopm... stout footwear and positive energy are must haves to be part of this happy environment crew and GOOD NEWS STORY! Bring a picnic and plenty of liquids and help to remove tonnes of nasty harmful materials from the marine environment whilst enjoying spectacular scenery and safe swimming places... great photographic opportunities and a chance to truly relax away from.it all... but also plenty to do throughout the day to keep us all busy! More details about the day can be found on the bhassexplore Facebook page or the @bhass_explore Instagram page... any questions... just ask!